to Jenkins, Transmedia storytelling has grown an importance as Hollywood
strategy because it is designed to share, and collaborate in a cohesive story
experience across multimedia platforms. This will help the audiences to engage in
the larger storytelling world. By
integrating entertainment and marketing, it makes strong emotional attachments
and use them to generate additional sales.
Also, Jenkin’s argument in the clip video regarding transmedia project
is that by using the web to create transmedia exposure around their product,
the amateurs and fans are able attaching themselves by adding fan fiction, fan
video to expand their story with the use of convergence media of storytelling.
Some example of transmedia
storytelling from Jenkin’s book was the original movie, The Matrix, which took
us into a world where the line between reality and illusion is blurred. The
Matrix phenomenon when originally viewed left many people perplexed, confused
and some loved the movie. The movie created a huge fan base where people are
voicing their opinion and interpretation of the movie. The Wachowski brothers
played the transmedia game by first put the original film to stimulate
interest, offering web comics, second film sequel, releasing computer game and
followed by the last film sequel which later turn into a massive multiplayer
online game. This is truly how transmedia work by building what has come
before, while offering new points of entry.
Star Wars is another example that moved
from film into novels, it expanded the timeline to show events that were not
contained in the film trilogies. Also, Star Wars transmedia went into games,
those games did not just enact film events, they ventured into other stories
such as the Jedi trainee, bounty hunter and many more for the fans and to
generate revenue. Other examples of
transmedia storytelling he discussed in the book included Indiana Jones, and
Lord of the Rings.
Another example is from the short
clip video of how transmedia storytelling worked. In “2012 movie”, there was a
whole website created that explained the destruction of the world which the
scenario that played out in the movie and all the box stories were available in
the web that the fan could drill much deeper into story than ever before. He
explained it was about dispersing the information and created multi points of
contact for the listeners to the story that have been told. It’s like one big
jigsaw puzzle where audiences are comparing, sharing notes and collectively put
together to form a meaningful hole...
I think that this was a great response to transmedia storytelling! It's important that you talked about the whole "2012" issue where they claimed that it would be the end of the world. I remember being in high school and really thinking that this was true do to all of the platforms this reached. It is super interesting to hear how a story could be told!